At the age of eleven, a cosmetics representative saw her in a pizza parlor. 在十一岁的时候,一个化妆品公司的代表在一个比萨店里发现了她。
She is sitting at a pizza parlor with other American Cancer Society volunteers, chatting about an upcoming charity event. 她和美国癌症协会的其他志愿者们在一家披萨饼餐馆里讨论着一次即将到来的慈善活动。
She appears to be a girl who might have worked in a pizza parlor or shoe store and who carried her-self lightly, as if perhaps she did not know how beautiful she was, or at any rate did not take it too seriously. 她像是一个在匹萨饼店或鞋屋中工作的女孩,轻松自如,似乎她不知道自己有多美丽,或是说她对此并不十分在意。
Mom may phone out for Chinese food or ask the local pizza parlor to deliver. 妈妈可能电话定购中国菜,或让附近的比萨店外送。
Upstate in the city of Buffalo, a small pizza parlor on a side street was doing a rush trade. 在纽约州西部的布法罗市,一条背街上有一家小小的焰饼店,顾客拥挤,生意兴。